Join Us

Become a member of the FM WORLD Club and experience the unique products and lifestyle you have always dreamed of. As a business partner, you can enjoy attractive discounts, fantastic special offers and exclusive incentive programs.

Within 10 days of joining FM WORLD Baltic, you have the opportunity to take advantage of an additional discount of up to 20% on your first purchases. The sooner you place your order, the less you will pay! Learn more about the conditions of this incentive program on our website: LV.FMWORLD.COM (after registration).

That's not all. We have prepared special motivation programs, marketing materials and catalogs for you, which you can find on the website: LV.FMWORLD.COM (after registration).


Create Your Account





I agree to receive commercial information, i.e. promotional materials and announcements related to the marketing of products and services appearing in the FM WORLD brand and FM WORLD Club trade, at the e-mail address or telephone number I have provided.
I agree that FM WORLD BALTIC or the FM WORLD Division may publish my personal data on the websites of FM WORLD, FM WORLD BALTIC or the FM WORLD Division, which are publicly accessible to other users of the network. Senior Sponsors (members of the network) may contact me and provide me with useful information about products, opportunities, etc. If consent is not given, only the business partner number assigned to you will be visible on the website.
I agree to the sending of correspondence to the e-mail address I provided during registration or via the special panel available on the website after authorization.
I agree that my data and photos may be published on the websites of FM WORLD Baltic, FM WORLD or FM WORLD Department and in print media.

Registration confirmation method

Send the form